Xunzhuo Liu


Cloud-Native Software Engineer with a strong passion for open source. Over 5 years of experience in the Open Source Community, selected as a CNCF Ambassador and maintainer of multiple CNCF projects.

From 0 to 1 maintained Envoy Gateway Project, the next-gen API Gateway Project based on EnvoyProxy. Leaded and developed the MultiCluster north-south traffic solution in TKE App Engine, serving all internal Tencent products with Pods over 10 million CPU cores, more than 100,000 services and ingresses.

Skilled in writing, knowledge sharing, and public speaking. Thrives on challenges, innovation, and in-depth research, driven by curiosity and a passion for exploration. Committed to efficiency and effective remote team collaboration.

Work Experience

Tencent Cloud (Tencent Kubernetes Engine Team)

Chengdu, China

Software Engineer

2022.9 - now

  • Designed and developed multi-cluster Service, Ingress solutions for TKE App Engine, based on multi-cluster Service, Ingress API with Tencent Cloud Load Balancer, serving all internal Tencent products like QQ, WeChat, Tencent Meetings, Tencent Cloud and etc, supported Pods over 10 million CPU cores.
  • Designed and developed solutions for seamless migration from single-cluster Ingress Service to multi-cluster Ingress Service, preventing traffic disruption caused by architectural changes, migrated more than 100,000 services and ingresses from TKEx to TKE App Engine.
  • Designed and developed MultiCluster Gateway solutions for TKE App Engine, based on Gateway API, MCS API with Envoy Gateway, solved the shortcomings of Service and Ingress API, exploring the next generation north-south traffic solution in large scale scenarios.
  • Participated in the maintenance of Service and Ingress controller in TKE and TKEx. Provided users with easy-to-use, secure, stable, and high-performance north-south traffic access capabilities. Continuously built system observability, developed automated troubleshooting, and achieved rapid issue localization and timely detection.
  • Service
  • Ingress
  • Gateway API
  • Kubernetes
  • Envoy
  • Istio

Software Engineer (Intern)

2021.11 - 2022.08

  • Designed and developed the metrics observability solution for TCM (Tencent Cloud Mesh). Based on metrics exposed by EnvoyProxy, built a real-time observability system at the upper layer to calculate the topology within the service mesh and expose monitoring dashboards across different dimensions (Workload, App, Service).
  • Participated in the research and development of Tencent Cloud Mesh (TCM), providing enterprise-grade managed service mesh services to reduce the complexity of service mesh integration and offer users an out-of-the-box experience.
  • Istio
  • Envoy
  • Kubernetes

Tencent Games (Tencent Games Dev Platform Team)

Shenzhen, China

Software Engineer (Intern)

2021.01 - 2021.10

  • Responsible for researching, designing, and developing Envoy extensions based on WebAssembly, providing users with more secure, higher-performance, and multi-language plugin development capabilities.
  • Participated in the development of the access layer for Tencent Games' microservices platform. Self-developed an API Gateway based on Envoy to provide high-performance, easily extensible traffic management services for Tencent Games' marketing activities.
  • Envoy
  • Istio
  • Kubernetes
  • API 网关
  • WebAssembly


Software Engineering

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

2018.9 - 2022.9

photo of me
  • Liu-Xunzhuo
  • https://github.com/Xunzhuo
  • mixdeers@gmail.com
  • www.liuxunzhuo.com
  • Chengdu Sichuan China


    • Keywords
    • Open Source
    • Golang
    • Kubernetes
    • Service
    • Ingress
    • Gateway API
    • ServiceImport
    • ServiceExport
    • MultiClusterService
    • MultiClusterIngress
    • Envoy
    • Istio


  • English
    Level 6
  • Chinese
    Native Speaker


  • CNCF Ambassador
  • Linux Foundation Open Source Evangelist
  • Envoy Gateway Steering Committee Member
  • Founder of the Envoy Gateway China Community
  • KubeCon 2023 Shanghai Speaker
  • KubeCon 2024 Hongkong Speaker
  • KubeCon 2024 Hongkong Program Committee Member
  • CNCF Project Envoy Maintainer
  • CNCF Project Istio Maintainer
  • Kubernetes Gateway API Reviewer
  • Kubernetes Ingress2Gateway Reviewer
  • CNCF Landscape Project Kiali Maintainer
  • CNCF Project Aeraki-Mesh Maintainer
  • CNCF Project Merbridge Maintainer
  • MOSN、Higress Committer
  • Kubernetes、Kubernetes-SIG、KubeVela Member


  • Music Composition
  • Guitar Playing and Singing
  • Fitness and Weightlifting
  • Road Cycling